When all these companies come out saying that Wreck-it Ralph is the best video game movie ever made, you really get hyped. And oh my god, is that hype worth it.
Now, as you all know, movies and video games is an AWFUL mix. ...the majority of the time. So when you say it's the best out there, you don't have much good material to compare it to anyway. That aside, Wreck-it Ralph is still beautifully written, the music is great, everything is spot-on to the game it represents (which is a first for anything), and the story...holy crap, the story. Everything you thought was insignificant throughout the story all loops back to the end. I'm trying REALLY hard to not spoil anything, but while the pacing in the beginning is a little weird and brings the movie to a boring start, it becomes downright amazing by the time you get to the middle. Not to mention the plot twist was completely unexpected, and there were moments where I actually began to tear up; some of the scenes are just perfect.

The movie also holds a great message. I know that's something real cheesy to care about, but it's still true. Be yourself is all it says, and don't try to change it.

Of course, I gotta talk about the fact it's a video game movie. There are references out the ass in this thing. While Mario himself doesn't show up, the exact design of his Mushroom does and Fix-it Felix Jr. mentions him. Dr. Eggman, Bowser, Zangief, and everybody from that bad guy meeting that appears in every trailer is there, plus the systems shown in the arcade showcase a whole bunch of other games with pinpoint accuracy, with titles like Street Fighter showing up with its original graphical style and everything. In the action scenes, the characters say one-liners that sound like you're really playing an arcade game. One character from Sugar Rush says, "Stay sweet!", and jumps in the air as if you just selected her to play as. It's freaking amazing how a company has finally payed homage to a cluster of games with such accuracy; other companies just say, "Here's a game, now let's show you a whole bunch of stuff that's not actually the game we told you it was". And, of course, there's Sonic. He doesn't appear much at all, but seeing him every once in a while is a great way to pull off a cameo. He doesn't out-shine the movie at all, but still makes an impression when he's there.

I'm trying real hard to mention as little as possible about the movie itself, because it is release day and not everyone has seen it. But all in all, if you haven't seen Wreck-it Ralph, you really should as soon as you can. I was blown away by it, and you definitely will too. The DVD for this thing is going on my personal shelf as soon as it's out.

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