
Usually Nintendo will have a huge announcement or a press release when they launch something new. This time, however, something just popped right the fuck outta nowehere: The PC site for the Wii U's social media platform, Miiverse.
Even if you don't have a Nintendo Network ID, you can still view the various communities and see the drawings and posts within, which is pretty awesome. This feature for Miiverse was teased at the initial announcement of the platform, but no actual date of launch was given. Realistically speaking, this has probably been up for weeks and some exec up in Nintendo is laughing his/her ass off at the fact that we're just now discovering this. Either way, it's an awesome addition to Nintendo's online arsenal.

If you have a Nintendo Network ID, what other features are available on the PC Miiverse after logging in? Let me know in the comments or over Twitter!

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