
Now before you freak out from the title and say crap like, "THIS MEANS THE WII U SUCKS, HERPDERP", lemme tell you this: if the 360 and PS3 versions run great and the Wii U version runs just like them, that means the Wii U can run high-quality graphics and complex engines with ease.

This is a good sign for the Wii U, as Assassin's Creed III's creative director, Alex Hutchinson, has said that he's glad they didn't have to remove or replace anything in the game to get it to work on the Wii U. His exact words are posted below.

“I’m super excited whenever we demo the Wii U. It is exactly the same game that’s on the other platforms. And I know that sounds ridiculous, but it’s been a long time since I’ve shipped a game on more than three platforms where you could say it’s all the same. It’s not like some radically diminished version, so that’s exciting.”

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